Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
September 23, 2020Rise and shine, it’s fishing time!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
September 18, 2020Happy Friday! Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
September 15, 2020What’s your favorite fish to catch?
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
September 8, 2020Livin’ the dream!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
September 1, 2020Fishing is fun…catching is better!
Angler’s Alibi
August 28, 2020How many flippers on this one @evergreen_rich ? #wildtrout #bristolbay #nopebblemine #anglersalibi #alagnakriver
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
August 28, 2020Good things come to those who bait!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
August 25, 2020Oops! Fish get camera shy too!!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
August 21, 2020Tight lines, cool breezes, good friends, plenty of bait. It doesn’t get any better!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
August 19, 2020
Great times, greater friends!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
August 11, 2020
A bad day of fishing is better than a good day in the office. Wishing we were back in this incredible place already!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
August 7, 2020
This is the smile of victory!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
August 5, 2020
If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles – Doug Larson.
Angler’s Alibi
August 3, 2020
Game on ! We saw our first push of Silvers this week with plenty of chums and pink salmon in the mix! #anglersalibi #captainsforcleanwater #nopebblemine #coho #bristolbay
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
June 29, 2020
Fish on fish on fish!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
June 23, 2020
Reports are showing a whopping 20 MILLION fish in Bristol Bay with an estimated 650,000 fish within the surrounding rivers. An incredible run this summer.
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
June 18, 2020
The fish are running and we miss y’all!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
June 17, 2020
The reality that the 2020 season is not happening is really starting to settle in now. We are really bummed but are happy to be experience some new and exciting things this summer!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
June 9, 2020
Took a little break from work to have some evening fun catching char at the mouth of the Agulawak!
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
June 2, 2020
We love having the opportunity to teach these young ones about the life of an Alaskan sport fisherman!
Alaskan Adventures
September 1, 2020What do we do with time off? We stick big fish on the fly …. why not!
Sheefish on the fly have been HOT! The weather is getting cold but the action is Hot Hot Hot!
Alaskan Adventures
August 29, 2020Over 80 and living life to the fullest. These brothers and there two others were an absolute blast to have at the lodge. It’s great to see family having so much fun.
Alaskan Adventures
August 20, 2020
Carl came back this year for redemption and scored big… often! Glad you could share this trip with your son Carl.
Found a few pike to play.
Freezer filling kind of day. #silversalmon #wildsalmon
Alaskan Adventures
August 18, 2020
Mega Monday. Photo Credit: @gracekgreene
Alaskan Adventures
August 13, 2020
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
Alaskan Adventures
August 11, 2020
Back to back 24lbers. Boom!
Alaskan Adventures
August 9, 2020
~PIKE ON FLY~ Another beauty caught on the Holitna River with @fish_hunt_alaskanadventures – Nothing like luring these guys out of the weeds with a sexy fly. Orange and yellow with a lot of flash seemed to be the ticket.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
Alaskan Adventures
August 9, 2020
~CHUM SALMON~ An aggressive fighter, Chum Salmon also known as Dog Salmon bulldog and grey hound around once you hook them. Breeding males of the species have large, bared teeth, which may be the origin of the name “dog salmon,” though it is also said that this name evolved because this species was often fed to sled dogs for protein. Their distinctive coloration make them one of the most recognizable of all the Pacific Salmon. Another educational day of fishing a new species in Alaska. Thanks Parker Boswell and Nick at Newhalen Lodge for finding the fish and for the delicious hot chili lunch at the Falls. Another gorgeous lit image by Hillary Maybery.
Alaskan Adventures
August 2, 2020
Nothing gets me more excited than sight casting to these cobra striking predators. Dan and Jeff at @fish_hunt_alaskanadventures found the perfect crystal clear slew on the Holitna River laden with 40” plus Northern Pike, all hungry and ready to pounce. From @ppacchiarini black and orange Dragon Tail flies to @danblanton43 yellow and orange Whistler and @Umpqua feathermerchants Dolly Llama, even @flymenfishingco double barrel popper, these pike loved them all. Favorite fish of the day was a 15lbs 11oz pike landed in less than 10min for the new pending @joinigfa women’s 2lbs tippet fly world record. Landed 4 pike over 40” in just two hours and even saw a few who might have pushed the 50” marker while I was playing other fish. Such a great day, could have fished til dark (midnight) hahaha. Thanks Dan and Jeff for one of my favorite Alaskan afternoons of sight fishing.
Alaskan Adventures
July 31, 2020
Check this out. What a fun week we had.
Alaskan Adventures
July 26, 2020
Last week was an absolute BLAST! Out of 15 new IGFA records, this was by far the best beast! 15lb 10oz on 2lb tippet. Merideth McCord is one heck of an angler and a blast to fish with. We had an absolute blast making goals become reality with Merideth.
Katmai Trophy Lodge
September 23, 2020Spey season is here. @parker.tuley @sageindendi
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 23, 2020Double rainbow (PC: @pkissel13)
Char fun with @pkissel13 and @hjames50
Bear Trail Lodge
September 23, 2020Who is catching more sockeyes??? #beartraillodge #bears #fishing #flyfishing #alaskanadventures #nopebblemine
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 21, 2020Monday Motivator – torpedos with @grateful_fenny
Bear Trail Lodge
September 21, 2020Sometimes you get to leave the office. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #wildtrout #flyfishing #nopebblemine #bristolbay #katmai #alaskalodge #alaskanadventures
Frigate Adventure Travel
September 20, 2020
Saying farewell to these beauties, and hello to the mega trout! @cassie_bergman @waterswestflyshop #alaska #fall #trout #rainbow #rainbowtrout #sockeye #bristolbay #vetopebblemine #epa #dronephotography #drone #fish #fishingguide #fishinglife
Bear Trail Lodge
September 20, 2020
Sometimes you gotta play in the pumpkin patch. #beartraillodge #char #flyfishing #fishing #alaskanadventures #fishalaska #alaskalodge #nopebblemine #bristolbay
The beauty of the rainbow. #beartraillodge #wildtrout #tugisthedrug #flyfishing #swing #rainbowtrout #alaskanadventures #fishalaska #bristolbay #nopebblemine
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 18, 2020
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 16, 2020That’s big rainbows!
A mammoth silver on the fly.
Bear Trail Lodge
September 16, 2020Still a sea of reds hanging around. #beartraillodge #nopebblemine #alaskanadventures
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 15, 2020A mammoth silver on the fly.
Bear Trail Lodge
September 14, 2020Congratulations Sandy on a job well done! #beartraillodge #wildtrout #alaskanadventures #nopebblemine #alaskalodge #bristolbay
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 14, 2020Monday Motivator — @grateful_fenny showing of those good fish genetics! #torpedo
Katmai Trophy Lodge
September 14, 2020
It’s good to have a fishing buddy. #notasteelhead @miguideservice
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 12, 2020Big Fish Friday — Coho Edition
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 10, 2020Boom! what a fish! : @hjames50
Hogs and Hip Boots #AlaskaLife
Bear Trail Lodge
September 7, 2020
We have had some tough weather the last two days but still getting some nice fish. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #speyfishing #wildtrout #salmonfishing #nopebblemine #flyfishing
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 7, 2020Happy Labor Day… lets go fishing! (PC: Patrick Kissel)
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 4, 2020Big Fish Friday — Glady Mae Gomez with a Trout of Steel
Good trout vibes with ASL guide @pkissel13
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
September 1, 2020That’s right… there’s some good fishing right in front of the lodge. ASL guide @hjames50 found one
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
August 31, 2020Monday Motivation — It’s that time of the year! #LegendsOfTheFall : @olsenhoog
Bear Trail Lodge
August 31, 2020The ladies were getting it done today in trophy fashion!! Well done Sarah!! #beartraillodge #womenfishing #wildtrout #fishing #alaskanadventures #fishalaska #nopebblemine
Bear Trail Lodge
August 28, 2020Big fish Friday! #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #wildtrout #rainbow #alaskanadventures #alaska #alaskalodge #flyfishing #flyfishingadventures #savebristolbay
Loving the rainbows!! Lots of smiles and good weather. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #alaskanadventures #wildtrout #nopebblemine #fishalaska
Bear Trail Lodge
August 27, 2020
Rainbows and silvers, need I say more. It is that time of the year. #beartraillodge #flyfishing #alaskanadventures #alaska #fishing #fishinglodge #nopebblemine
Bear Trail Lodge
August 26, 2020
What time is it???? Silver time. #beartraillodge #salmonfishing #alaskanadventures #alaskalodge #fishalaska #nopebblemine
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
August 26, 2020Alaska is a perfect place to introduce your kids to fishing. Warning: They will be hooked. PC: @pkissel13 )
Bear Trail Lodge
August 24, 2020
Fishing for rainbows continues to heat up. We still have spots available. #beartraillodge #alaskanadventures #fishalaska #alaskalodge #wildtrout #tugisthedrug #flyfishing #nopebblemine
Anglers Alibi
August 24, 2020When your trout is too big for you to hold, our guides are happy to help you It’s a good problem to have and one we expect to see a lot of in the next few weeks #giantseason #anglersalibi #wildtrout #rainbowtrout #bristolbay #alagnakrivee
Bear Trail Lodge
August 24, 2020 Fishing for rainbows continues to heat up. We still have spots available. #beartraillodge #alaskanadventures #fishalaska #alaskalodge #wildtrout #tugisthedrug #flyfishing #nopebblemine
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
August 21, 2020
Big Fish Friday — @hjames50 with a horse
Frigate Adventure Travel
August 19, 2020
Silver season with the Ehrlich family! : @nehrlich15 @ Bristol Bay, Alaska
Bear Trail Lodge
August 18, 2020
BearTrailLodge_8-18 Lots of hot sunny weather. Enjoying the bow hunting. #beartraillodge #wildtrout #flyfishing #alaskanadventures #alaskalodge #fishalaska #nopebblemine
Naknek River Camp
August 16, 2020
Creekin’ @jtrammell_72
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
August 16, 2020
All smiles and good vibes out here on the water. There is still time to join us this season.
Bear Trail Lodge
August 16, 2020
What did the fox say??? You will have to ask Heidi!! #beartraillodge #alaskanadventures #fishalaska #wildlife #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #alaskalodge
Bear Trail Lodge
August 14, 2020
Hold onto your hats, you never know what is coming around the bend. #beartraillodge #flyfishing #alaskanadventures #wildlife #nopebblemine #alaskalodge
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
August 13, 2020
The rainbow fishing is really heating up in Bristol Bay right now
Bear Trail Lodge
August 12, 2020
A few of our silver friends have arrived to play with us. #beartraillodge #wildsalmon #salmonfishing #flyfishing #alaskanadventures #nopebblemine #fishalaska #alaskalodge
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
August 8, 2020
Silver salmon hitting the fillet table just in time for shore lunch.
Bear Trail Lodge
August 7, 2020
Big fish Friday! #beartraillodge #fishalaska #wildtrout #tugisthedrug #alaskanadventures #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #alaskalodge
Frigate Adventure Travel
August 5, 2020
These beauties are what make the 5am rally worthwhile. @cassie_bergman #dawnpatrol #alaskastyle #rainbow #rainbowtrout #fishing #fishinglife #seewhatsoutthere #itsallhomewater @ Bristol Bay, Alaska
Bear Trail Lodge
August 2, 2020
Been getting some nice rainbows while waiting on our silver friends to show up. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #spey #speyfishing #alaskanadventures #alaskalodge #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #fishalaska #wildtrout
Nothing like rainbows in the rain. #beartraillodge #alaskanadventures #tugisthedrug #fishalaska #alaskalodge #nopebblemine
Bear Trail Lodge
August 1, 2020
Big fish Friday!
#beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #speyfishing #spey #flyfishing #alaskanadventures #alaskalodge #fishalaska #nopebblemine
Frigate Adventure Travel
July 27, 2020
Nicely done, Kent!
Is 11 too young to start training a Jr Guide?
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
July 27, 2020
Monday Motivation – A real oinker with guide Ben Stevens
Bear Trail Lodge
July 26, 2020
Nothing like a rainbow. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #alaskanadventures #alaskalodge #fishalaska #bristolbay #nopebblemine #flyfishing #speyfishing
Can’t wait for these great fish to show up!! #beartraillodge #fishalaska #alaskanadventures #salmonfishing #nopebblemine #savebristolbay
Katmai Trophy Lodge
July 24, 2020
Summer trout
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
July 23, 2020
YEEEEWW!…. A real horse from @bennystevensjr
Bear Trail Lodge
July 23, 2020
So much fun fishing the mouse!! #beartraillodge #fishing #fishalaska #alaskalodge #alaskanadventures #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #dryflyfishing
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
July 21, 2020
Last season, @runningwildinalaska found this really nice rainbow trout off the lower platform at Brooks. Catching this fish took a lot of dancing with bears, deep water crossings and breaking several hooks off on sockeye. #worthit
Bear Trail Lodge
July 21, 2020
The sockeye run this year has been nothing short of epic. @jamezjohnson
Bear Trail Lodge
July 19, 2020
Mousing and drys. Nothing more entertaining than that! #beartraillodge #wildtrout #alaskalodge #alaskanadventure #nopebblemine
Bear Trail Lodge
July 18, 2020
Nice kings on the dock. #beartraillodge #salmonfishing #fishing #alaskalodge #nopebblemine #alaskanadventures
Bear Trail Lodge
July 17, 2020
Been having some nice weather and plenty of sockeyes to keep our freezer full. #beartraillodge #fishalaska #alaskanadventures #alaskalodge #salmonfishing #nopebblemine #fishing
Bear Trail Lodge
July 14, 2020
Fish box full of sockeyes.
#beartraillodge #salmonfishing #fishalaska #alaskalodge #nopebblemine
Bear Trail Lodge
July 12, 2020
A nice haul of kings and sockeyes. #beartraillodge #salmonfishing #fishalaska #alaskalodge #nopebblemine
Bear Trail Lodge
July 11, 2020
A nice rainbow swung up by FisheWear founder!! Well done!!. @fishewear #beatraillodge #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #tugisthedrug #speyfishing
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
July 10, 2020
Big Fish Friday — Charzilla. @outgoing_angling
Katmai Trophy Lodge
July 9, 2020
Master guide Ted Gibson hefts a dime bright Nushagak king.
Bear Trail Lodge
July 8, 2020
Great food and memorable fishing. #beartraillodge #alaskalodge #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #fishalaska
Bear Trail Lodge
July 7, 2020
Taking care of the gold. #beartraillodge #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #salmonfishing #alaskalodge
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
July 7, 2020
Early summer rainbow w/ ASL veteran guide Jeffy.
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
July 6, 2020
Monday Motivation – A mammoth rainbow caught by @gracekgreene
Bear Trail Lodge
July 6, 2020
Swinging for kings. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #alaskalodge #fishalaska #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #salmonfishing
Katmai Trophy Lodge
July 4, 2020
Small streams, light rods and big fish are common practice this time of year. @freshwaterwestcoast
Bear Trail Lodge
July 3, 2020
Rods bent and lots of smiles. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #fishalaska #fishing #alaskalodge #alaskanadventures #nopebblemine #savebristolbay
Frigate Adventure Travel
July 2, 2020
Beautiful photo by @k8crump holding one of @kristilallen ‘s , @rickallen3763 and Oliver’s leopard rainbow!
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
July 2, 2020
Some big Kings showing up on the Nush.
Bear Trail Lodge
July 2, 2020
Starting to fill the freezer with some fresh Kings. #beartraillodge #salmonfishing #nopebblemine #fishalaska #alaskalodge
Katmai Trophy Lodge
July 1, 2020
Sockeye baby @jamezjohnson
Bear Trail Lodge
June 30, 2020
Got out on the naknek for a couple hours of fun!! #beartraillodge #salmonfishing #king #fishalaska #alaskalodge
They’re Here!!!!!! Sockeyes rolled into the naknek today. #beartraillodge #salmonfishing #savebristolbay #nopebblemine #fishalaska #alaskalodge
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 29, 2020
We’re biased, but Bristol Bay has the most beautiful rainbow trout in the world.
Bear Trail Lodge
June 28, 2020
Nothing like fishing drys! #beartraillodge #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #alaskalodge #fishalaska #wildtrout
Bear Trail Lodge
June 26, 2020
Big fish Friday!! Need I say more. #beartraillodge #tugisthedrug #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #alaskalodge #fishalaska
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 26, 2020
Big Fish Friday – that’s a 25” boat net from @fishpondusa
Frigate Adventure Travel
June 25, 2020
These three have been taking great care of us and our guests for the last couple weeks. @bryanpsender and @michellechristine__ flying our guests over to the Nushagak River daily and @davis.offord has been carrying our gear, lunches, and fish fillets up and down the docks. Pretty fulfilling to see the three of them landing beautiful wild fish today at the same time. Thanks for everything #branchriverair you are definitely the “best in the bush!” #nopebblemine
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 25, 2020
A Megalodon Trout 📸: @outgoing_anglingA Megalodon Trout 📸: @outgoing_angling
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 24, 2020
Char hunting in the pumpkin patch.
Katmai Trophy Lodge
June 20, 2020
Sometimes we like to mix it up.
Frigate Adventure Travel
June 20, 2020
Mama and Papa Crump and cousins Annette and Jeff started the Nushagak season off right!! Sending them home with 115lbs of pure, delicious gold today!
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 22, 2020
Monday Morning Motivation — 📸: @outgoing_angling
Bear Trail Lodge
June 21, 2020
Starting to see more of these on the dock. Looking forward to more of these to come. #beartraillodge #salmonfishing #alaskalodge #nopebblemine
Bear Trail Lodge
June 20, 2020
Mouth is watering looking at those fillets. Can’t wait for dinner to see what chef Kevin is going to do. #beartraillodge #fishalaska #alaskalodge #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #salmonfishing
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 19, 2020
Now boarding all ASL anglers. MVP Gold Members sit co-pilot.
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 18, 2020
Big Fish, Small Water. Lucky to have so much variety in fishing experiences here in Bristol Bay.
Bear Trail Lodge
June 18, 2020
First kings of the year!!! #beartraillodge #savebristolbay #nopebblemine #fishalaska #alaskalodge #salmonfishing
Bear Trail Lodge
June 17, 2020
Teaming up on these brutes makes for a memorable day!! #beartraillodge #fishalaska #alaskalodge #nopebblemine #savebristolbay #salmonfishing
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 17, 2020
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 16, 2020
Benny is my name, trout is my game. #alaskaguide
Bear Trail Lodge
June 16, 2020
Our guide Wesley getting it done on the swing.
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 15, 2020
Monday Motivation
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 14, 2020
Let em go, let em grow.
Bear Trail Lodge
June 14, 2020
Nothing like untouched chrome!
Bear Trail Lodge
June 9, 2020
It felt great to be on the water again. Looking forward to the brighter days ahead of us.
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 8, 2020
Monday Morning Motivator – King Salmon with Brian Boe
Bear Trail Lodge
June 8, 2020
Fun swinging up a few on the opener. A very foggy morning, cleared up into a beautiful afternoon.
Bear Trail Lodge
June 7, 2020
Hours away from the opener. Looking forward to swinging some of my favorite runs.
Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
June 5, 2020
Big Fish Friday – Big, Powerful & Slippery
Bear Trail Lodge
June 5, 2020
Big Fish Friday!!
#beartraillodge #alaskalodge #wildtrout #fishalaska #tugisthedrug #savebristolbay
Bear Trail Lodge
June 4, 2020
Excitement is building for the June 8 opener!!! Hope everyone is staying safe and has their favorite spot picked out for your opening day!
Alaskan Adventures
August 13, 2020
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
Back to back 24lbers. Boom!
Alaskan Adventures
July 23, 2020
1/2lb shy of a record but still a great fish.
Alaskan Adventures
July 22, 2020
Five new IGFA records set yesterday. Looking to set a few more today. Merideth McCord makes it look easy.
Alaskan Adventures
June 24, 2020
Like I said… they are on the large side this year!
Alaskan Adventures
June 22, 2020
The Sheefish are running rather fat this year. This one was pushing 30lbs.
Alaskan Adventures
June 21, 2020
This is how we roll! Come git you some!
Alaskan Adventures
June 20, 2020
John & Jack with a heck of a start to the week.
Alaskan Adventures
June 7, 2020
What do guides do with time off?…. go fish! What else!
Alaskan Adventures
June 3, 2020
Alaskan Adventures
June 1, 2020
Took the day off to do some catching. Lol!
Katmai Trophy Lodge
July 1, 2020
Great year to be on the naknek. @sageindendi
#flyfishing #alaska #catchandrelease #rainbowtrout #trout #flyfish #fishing
Nushagak River Adventures
September 4, 2020Our team gets a little excited for our guests…!
Nushagak River Adventures
September 3, 2020We only fish on days that end in “Y”.
We don’t go fishing to escape life, we go fishing to live life!
Nushagak River Adventures
September 2, 2020Catching fish is secondary only to the revelry of spending time on the water with friends.
Nushagak River Adventures
August 6, 2020
“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope” – John Buchan
Nushagak River Adventures
July 29, 2020
A whole herd of healthy silvers for future dinners and a great amount of fun. Who else loves silver fishing on the Nushagak?
Nushagak River Adventures
July 9, 2020
Chef Chris Lee with a Summer Solstice catch.
Nushagak River Adventures
July 9, 2020
Master guide Ted Gibson hefts a dime bright Nushagak king.
Nushagak River Adventures
July 7, 2020
A good job done, camaraderie among friends and family, plus a little fun time fishing The Nush.
Nushagak River Adventures
July 6, 2020
We are grateful to have enjoyed a few moments of precious solitude on the Nushagak this summer. While our season got shut down from Covid, our construction crew thankfully got to wet a line a time or two. Here’s a nice king caught by Jeff, on a drift with Ted and Corbin.
Nushagak River Adventures
July 2, 2020
Who in their right mind would come to the Nushagak to work and not fish for salmon? Not us! There wasn’t much time for it but when we did get to fish, this young man schooled us seasoned guys. 15-year old Sam caught the first, most, and the biggest fish. He was great help at the lodge, well mannered and capable beyond his years.
Nushagak River Adventures
June 19, 2020
Success threefold.
Nushagak River Adventures
June 15, 2020
The perfect mid June king caught on Alaska’s Nushagak River.
Nushagak River Adventures
June 11, 2020
“All earth is full of happy things when the angler goes a-trolling!” —Thomas Tod Stoddart
Togiak River Lodge
September 23, 2020Everybody loves some top water Silver action! JD Richey
Togiak River Lodge
September 15, 2020The boys putting in work here on the Togiak!
Togiak River Lodge
September 4, 2020Stephan Pittman getting it done!
Togiak River Lodge
August 28, 2020Which fish would you rather target and why?Chinook or Coho salmon. Chinook have those massively powerful head shakes that keep you wanting more. Coho come in huge numbers and snap at just about anything. We have lots if both here!
So aggressive they even eat floats! #Coho
Togiak River Lodge
August 24, 2020A little top water Pike action today! With Stephan Pittman
Togiak River Lodge
August 20, 2020
TogiakRiverLodge_8-20 They get big in the Togiak! Stephan Pittman
Togiak River Lodge
August 15, 2020
Jeremy Freisz found a unicorn! Togiak never stops amazing us! You can mold your trip to target what you like. We have the best fly fishing around with huge rainbows and 6+ pound dollys. Taking reservations for 2021.
Fish Numbers Increasing. Fish size increasing. Spots available for 2020 and COVID testing options abound for travel through Anchorage Airport! Let’s go fishing!
Togiak River Lodge
August 12, 2020
Togiak River Lodge
August 9, 2020
August 9th and we are already catching Silvers off the Dock?? Its gonna be a great season!
They’re here!
Togiak River Lodge
August 7, 2020
The Togiak is producing some beautiful sockeye this year! Coho season is up next
Togiak River Lodge
August 5, 2020
Nick Tucker with a nice Togiak sockeye!
Togiak River Lodge
August 4, 2020
Beau Smith with an absolutely beautiful chinook
Togiak River Lodge
July 3, 2020
Bright Sunshine, and even brighter Kings! We have last minute availability for July 16-21 if you’re looking for a trip of a lifetime! Call/text (907)493-2317 for more info
Togiak River Lodge
June 29, 2020
There were some beautiful fish around during our first five days. Every day is getting better!
Togiak River Lodge
June 23, 2020
This big buck was hooked on a plunking rod setup right next to our boat dock. Nick, Caylen, and Beau Smith hopped in a lodge boat and chased this beauty down all to be released and given the opportunity to complete its cycle. Great fishing here in Togiak!
Togiak River Lodge
June 22, 2020
Gage turns 22 today and caught this beautiful 30 pound King. The fishing the last two days has been off the charts!
Togiak River Lodge
June 19, 2020
And they keep coming!
The King fishing is getting good here in Togiak! Even Fletcher caught one 🐶
Togiak River Lodge
June 15, 2020
Togiak River Lodge will be exploring the idea of offering Halibut fishing to our guests in the upcoming seasons. This summer will have many experimental trips out into the bay in search of halibut. Exploratory trip #1 was a success
They’re here! #togiak2020