Alaska Department of Fish and Game
North Kenai Peninsula Management Area
August 22, 2016
Week of August 22 to August 28
Issued August 22, 2016
Emergency Orders and regulation reminders
- Emergency Orders are in effect for the following areas:
- In the Kenai River: This emergency order increases the daily bag limit of salmon over 16” to six per day and twelve in possession (except no more than two may be coho salmon) in the Kenai River from its mouth upstream to ADFG markers at the outlet of Skilak lake beginning 12:01 a.m., Saturday, July 23, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
- In Stormy Lake: The retention of Arctic char/Dolly Varden is prohibited all year long, as part of an effort to restore this native fish.
The 2016 Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary is available at Fish and Game offices as well as from many sport fishing license vendors. The regulations can also be viewed or download from the department’s web page.
Salmon – Kenai & Kasilof rivers
- The Russian River sockeye salmon fishing is now closed by regulation. A few coho salmon are available, and bead fishing should be good as spawning begins.
- Water level on the Kenai River is above normal.
- Sport fishing for sockeye salmon on the Kenai is almost to an end, with a few sockeye being caught above Bings landing.
- Sport fishing for pink salmon has slowed some in the lower river. Middle river continues to be good.
- Sport fishing success for coho salmon on the Kenai continues to be low to moderate. Based on similar run timing to last year’s run, the peak of coho in August should have occurred bynow and could indicate low abundance compared to the previous couple of years.
Resident Fish — Kenai River
- Fishing opportunities on the Kenai River are good as the drainage is open to sport fishing under the existing regulations.
- With spawning approaching of king salmon and sockeye salmon, trout fishing should improve over the next couple of weeks with beads and egg patterns.
Lake Fishing
- Many area lakes provide great open water fishing opportunity from the shore or to fish from a boat. Fishing conditions at area lakes are good and will remain good. Stocked Kenai Peninsula lakes as well as numerous lakes support natural populations of rainbow trout, lake trout and Dolly Varden. Bait fished under a bobber, small spinners and spoons or fly fishing from a float tube or watercraft all produce great catch rates.
Northern Pike
- A couple area lakes have northern pike, but public access is limited. Private property owners may allow access, but get permission first.
- Pike can be taken using spears, bow and arrow (with arrow attached by a line), bait, spin, and fly-fishing gear. Try fish-shaped and fish-colored lures and flies.
- There is no closed season for pike and the bag limit is unlimited. Wanton waste laws apply so be sure to use, or donate to charity, all the pike you harvest.
DragonFly Fishing Guides
Andrew Scrivo, Owner/Guide
Kenai River
June 30, 2016
The Upper Kenai has been really hard to fish and borderline dangerous with the CFS up near 10,000. But fish can still be caught on the current seams near slack water using nymphs and some dries on a good drift. The middle Kenai, from Lower Skilak down has probably the best fishing available, but for the same reason, it is a bit crowded. There are sockeye seen flopping in the slack-water but no exposed gravel to fish them from and there is a decent flesh bite to be had from trout and dollies. Remember to check the regulations before fishing! There is a closed area marked by yellow and black signs from the Killey to below Dot’s Jan 1- July 31 and no motors on Mondays, etc
Fish Alaska’s 2016 Fishing Report
for the Kenai River
Check back for updates from around the state all summer! Submit your local fishing reports here, be sure to include all pertinent information.