August/September 2019


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Fall Fisheries
August/September 2019


Alaska Traveler 6
Creel 8
Gear Bag 10
Online 12
Fishing for a Compliment 14
Fish For the Future 20
Salmon Sense 22
Fly 26
Boats 28
Saltwater 36
Stillwater 40
Recipe 78
Advertiser Index 81
Final Drift 82


Topwater Silvers!
by JD Richey 42

Coho are many anglers’ favorite salmon, for many reasons. One of the best is that they can be coaxed into taking flies and lures on the surface. Seeing fish over 10 pounds slash at a popper is something that will leave a permanent mark in your gray matter. JD breaks out his secret stash of pink nail polish and tells you all about it.

Neutrally Buoyant Beads for Coho
by Scott Haugen 50

By now, most avid anglers know steelhead and rainbows are suckers for beads. So are Chinook and coho, in the right situations. Scott has been experimenting with a variety of beads over the years and this how-to article will surely help you catch more silvers in rivers. In particular, the use of neutrally buoyant beads can up your success on silvers.

Let it Sink
by Andrew Cremata 56

Lake trout are a quarry most often pursued from a boat or through the ice, but don’t tell Andrew Cremata that. In this piece Andrew tells us how to catch lakers from shore. He’s caught some dandies, and his primary bit of advice to the shore-bound angler is to let it sink.

Big Trout and Logjams
by Ben Rowell 64

Logjams can be big ‘bow magnets, however, fishing big wood is technically more difficult than lobbing a bobber and bead out over a gravel flat. The rewards can be impressive, though, especially on heavily fished, small streams. Ben Rowell shares some techniques to help you fish logjams effectively.

Kenai Mega Girth: Healthy Salmon Returns = Big Fat Trout
by Jeremy Anderson 70

Everyone loves a Kenai big fatty. At only 80 miles or so in length, the conveyor belt of trout food the Kenai produces is only rivaled by the girth of some of its rainbows and dollies. On a good year, when salmon returns are high and water levels stable, you’d be hard pressed to find rainbows in Alaska with a higher girth-to-length ratio.


COVER / Katmai Trophy Lodge head guide James Johnson and Fish Alaska editor George Krumm with a 33-inch Naknek rainbow George swung up last fall. © Kodie Kowitz

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
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