
Sheefish Primer

Sheefish Primer Blog by Paul D. Atkins Many people ask me about sheefish—what they’re like to catch, eat, how cold it is, but mostly they ask how they can go about getting a Read More...

Rainbow Trout Fishing: Early Season on the Kenai

The Middle Kenai in June is a fantastic time to hone your skills on water temperature, CFS, and their effects on trout behavior. The chrome firecrackers will be there to confirm your decision-making process and are sure to put a huge grin on your face.

Anchorage Lakes

Fishing in Anchorage Lakes by Dustin Slinker Open Water Fishing in Anchorage Lakes (April-October) Many of the lakes in the Anchorage bowl are easily accessed, with ample shoreline to fish along and public Read More...

Destination Talkeetna

by Troy Letherman Meaning “river of plenty” in the Dena’ina language, the area near the present site of Talkeetna offered an abundant harvest for the Athabasca Indians who originally inhabited the area, hunting Read More...

Kenai River Species

Sportfishing species on Alaska's Kenai River Kenai King Salmon Kenai River Silver Salmon Kenai River Reds Kenai Rainbow Trout & Dolly Varden

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