Arctic Region of Alaska
The Arctic region of Alaska, also called the Far North covers the northern most part of Alaska from Barrow, Prudhoe Bay and Wainright above the Brooks Range to Kotzebue, Nome and Unalakleet on the west coast. The most notable waterway in the region is the massive Yukon River but it also holds prolific rivers like the Colville, Kobuk and Koyukuk. The Yukon River ties together northwestern North America originating in British Columbia, flowing through Canada’s Yukon Territory, and on into Alaska.
The Arctic region of Alaska has several freshwater sportfishing opportunities. They have traditionally included various salmon, char, world record grayling, massive Northern pike and sheefish. Sheefish are a lesser fished species due the additional travel required to get there. Sheefish can be found in the Selawik and Kobuk river drainages of Kotzebue Sound. They are often caught while ice fishing, drilling holes into the river ice where the current is leaving one of the channels. A couple outfitters offer guided sheefish trips during the summer months. The trick is knowing where they are at any given time. Local knowledge is a big help.
This vast area of Alaska may be our most remote. If you venture into this region for your next adventure you are likely headed to a full service lodge or on your own remote float trip.
Planning is crucial to your successful float trip. Check out these tips and pointers from expert float fishers.
Learn more about fishing in the Arctic region of Alaska by reviewing content from these Communities/Bodies of Water
Kobuk River