Fairbanks Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout

One of Alaska (and the world’s) most popular gamefish, the rainbow trout is not indigenous to the Tanana or Yukon drainages, but the species has been successfully stocked in more than 100 lakes throughout the Interior. For Fairbanks-bound anglers, this means bountiful opportunity to pursue one of Alaska’s signature species, in a remote and pristine setting. For anglers looking to get into more traditional stream settings and pursue wild rainbows in their native habitat, a short drive to the Gulkana River drainage can land one in the middle of some fabulous trout-fishing opportunity.FBXrainbow2.jpg

Specifically, there are more than 90 stocked lakes in the Tanana drainage, ranging from large, road-accessible lakes such as Quartz and Birch lakes, to much smaller, less frequented bodies of water. Most of these lakes are stocked with rainbow trout. Ice fisherman in particular target the species, and those looking for a trophy specimen should consider Quartz Lake during the hardwater season.

One of Alaska (and the world’s) most popular gamefish, the rainbow trout is not indigenous to the Tanana or Yukon drainages, but the species has been successfully stockedin more than 100 lakes throughout the Interior. For Fairbanks-bound anglers, this means bountiful opportunity to pursue one of Alaska’s signature species in a remote and pristine setting. For anglers looking to get into more traditional stream settings and pursue wild rainbows in their native habitat, a short drive to the Gulkana River drainage can land one in the middle of some fabulous trout-fishing opportunity.


Specifically, there are more than 90 stocked lakes in the Tanana drainage, ranging from large, road-accessible lakes such as Quartz and Birch lakes, to much smaller, less frequented bodies of water. Most of these lakes are stocked with rainbow trout. Ice fisherman in particular target the species, and those looking for a trophy specimen should consider Quartz Lake during the hardwater season.

A comprehensive guide to the stocked lakes of the region and the species present, plus detailed access directions, can be found here.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has also produced a great guide to fishing the Gulkana River, which can be found here.

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