2016 Kodiak King Salmon Derby


  • Purchase a ticket at any of the King Salmon Derby vendors: Mack’s Sportshop or Discover Kodiak Downtown Visitor Center.
  • $20–Tickets must be purchased prior to fishing for salmon.
  • Tickets must be purchased prior to fishing.
  • Contestants may buy as many tickets as they would like, however they are non-transferable. 
  • Contestants may enter as often as they would like. However, only one salmon per ticket.
  • KACO assumes no responsibility for lost or weathered tickets.


Kaco Kodiak Association of Charterboat Operators – Combination for Grand Prize – $5000.00

Big Ray’s Alaskan Outfitters – Combination for Second Place – $2500.00

Kodiak Daily Mirror: Hank Penningtons “Outdoor Kodiak Prize” – Combination for Second Place – $1000.00

Mike Anderson’s “Len Schwartz Award” – Combination for Third Place – $2000.00

Kodiak USCG Enlisted Association Award – Combination for Third Place – $500.00

Kodiak Lions Club “Dave Woodruff Memorial Cup” – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $1000.00

F/V Anthem, F/V Sea Mac Prize – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $1000.00

Local Electric Prize –  For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $1000.00

Trident Seafoods – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $1000.00

Alaska Whitefish Trawlers Association Awards – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $1000.00

F/V Shuyak Award – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

Sea Hawk Air Award – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

K&P Builders “Roy Ecklund Memorial Award” – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inchesor longer – $500.00

Scott’s Heating & Plumbing Award – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

F/A Sea Barb – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

Span Alaska Prize – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

Kodiak Sales & Services “KSS Award” – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

Tyler Randolph “Good Neighbor Award” – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

USCG “Chief Petty Officers Association Award” – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

Tim Longrich Award – For a randomly drawn length, 24 inches or longer – $500.00

Smolt Pool$1800.00