March 2011 | Fishing Gear Awards
Editor’s Creel 8
Fish Alaska Traveler 12
Fishing For a Compliment 16
Tackle Tech 20
Salmon Sense 24
EZ Limits: A Guide’s Angle 28
Fish Alaska Boats 32
Tight Lines 38
Fish Alaska Fly 44
Fish Alaska Recipe 126
Advertiser Index 128
Final Drift 130
New Gear
It’s an exciting time of year for the gear junky, and the right time to take stock of your equipment and start thinking about where to upgrade before another full season of fishing in Alaska hits.
Fish Alaska All-Tackle
Dan Bonney examines a few of the more common fish-related economic questions, from a pilgrim’s perspective, does some ‘back of the envelope’ number crunching and perhaps provides a few insights on how to think about the cost of fishing.
Follow the Leader
Andrew Cremata devised a simplified rig of terminal tackle using only two knots, a hook, a snap swivel, and a 24-inch section of 30-pound monofilament. He’s used this rig from the warm Gulf Coast of southern Florida to the chilly banks of the Yukon River. Best of all it’s perfect for the first-time angler.
Fish Alaska Special: Year In Gear Awards
Alaska fish are famous for their size, their numbers, and their ability to wear down even the best gear. Fish Alaska staff spent last season testing hundreds of items of gear. Each winner is not only a fantastic piece of angling accoutrement, it’s also survived everything Alaska–and our staff–could throw at it, and came out with rave reviews.