
October/November 2019


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Alaska’s Variety

Alaska Traveler 6
Creel 8
Gear Bag 10
Online 12
Fishing for a Compliment 14
Salmon Sense 18
Conservation 20
Fly 22
Boats 24
Saltwater 34
Stillwater 36
Recipe 70
Advertiser Index 73
Final Drift 74


Subsurface Destruction
by Andrew Cremata 42

Explosive strikes by pike on topwater lures are something to behold; however, sometimes relatively willing pike become unwilling to take a surface lure. That doesn’t mean they can’t be had, though. If they’re in the area but not biting topwater, a subsurface lure can often save the day.

When Sheefish Call
by Scott Haugen 48

Ever caught a 40-pound fish through the ice? Scott and Tiffany Haugen share their experience in northwest Alaska pursuing 
sheefish, where they made a life-changing decision as a result of 
their fantastic trip.

by Terry Sheely 54

Lamna ditropis. Up to 10 feet long; 50 mph runs; leaps completely out of the water and eats plug-cut salmon. Yes, there is a bona fide big-game fish in Alaska—the salmon shark—a fish not for the faint of heart…

The Water Wolves of Red Shirt Lake
by Joseph Jackson 60

As far as we know, northern pike have been in Red Shirt Lake since about 1980. Voracious, numerous, and not bad on the table if you can get around the bones, pike are there to stay, and Red Shirt provides a wonderful opportunity for a weekend water wolf fishing and camping trip.

First Float!
by John Cleveland 64

For most, the idea of a remote float trip in Alaska is the Holy Grail of an Alaskan fishing adventure. Planning and preparation are absolutely essential and can spell the difference between sublime enjoyment, misery, or danger. John shares practical insights gained on his first remote float trip on the Holitna River that you can use to ensure your trip is everything you dream of.

Special Section: Building a Dream Boat
by Fish Alaska staff 30

Building a custom boat allows both boat builder and boat owner to work together to turn dreams into reality. This article details the building of the Sylvia Rene by Ashbreez Boatworks in Anchorage. Owner David Hull worked with Ashbreez’s Joel Morse to create a vessel that checks all the boxes. David plans to travel the 6000-mile “Loop” in the near future in the Sylvia Rene.

Holiday Gift Guide Part 1
by Fish Alaska staff 38

Our editors contribute ideas for gifts for anglers and sportsmen as the holiday season comes closer. We’ll throw you more items to consider in the next issue when we publish Part 2.


COVER / Kristin Dunn of Kodiak Custom Fishing Tackle catching a hog lake trout through the ice during field testing of their new tube jigs. © Tony “Famous” Davis

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Weight 6 oz
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