Chinook salmon
Alaska King Salmon
Alaska King Salmon Facts and Fishing Tips by Marcus Weiner Chinook (king) salmon are purple / blue / green backed with big black spots on their backs, dorsal fins and both lobes Read More...
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Chinook salmon
Alaska King Salmon Facts and Fishing Tips by Marcus Weiner Chinook (king) salmon are purple / blue / green backed with big black spots on their backs, dorsal fins and both lobes Read More...
Alaska king salmon fishing is unsurpassable on the Nushagak River in Bristol Bay. Here are four outfitters Fish Alaska trusts to host you.
King Salmon blog by John Perry, Photos courtesy of Angler's Alibi Capt. Chad Bryson with a beautiful king salmon on the fly from the Nusahgak. © Angler's Alibi Nushagak River Spey Read More...
Salmon Refugees: The Susitna Valley's Weekend Warriors By Matt Hage Pulling into the dusty campground along Montana Creek, we idle through a shantytown of super-sized motor homes and blue tarps. The acrid smell Read More...
As many of Alaska's king salmon runs remain weak and anglers and guides continue to whine and cry about Chinook fishing in the Great Land "not being what it once was," it's refreshing Read More...
Blog Post by Scott Haugen This blog post comes to us from Fish Alaska contributing editor Scott Haugen, whose many books on angling techniques and tactics are available through his website. When you Read More...