Catch Sharing Plan:
The proposed Catch Sharing Plan (CSP) comment period has ended. It has yet to be ruled on, but if it passes as it stands today, recreational anglers will be affected by the outcome.

Blog Post by Fish Alaska
The CSP’s restrictions would take hundreds of thousands of un-harvested fish that were prevously earmarked for the charters and recreational fishermen and turn them over to the commercial fleet.
Right now, in Southcentral Alaska, guided anglers are allowed two fish per day of any size. If the federal rule passes, the daily bag limit could drop to one fish per guided angler and could ultimately drop to one fish of a maximum size per person.
The first step towards resolving this situation favorably is educating ourselves. Here are some things you can do:
1. Read the proposal here. Our latest guest editorial on the CSP can be found here.
2. Comment online at the bottom of this blog or over on our forum.
3. Contact these people to ask questions, make comments, and fax or email letters:
US Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker-
Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, NOAA Chief, Fax (202) 408-9674
Alaska residents contact Governor Sean Parnell, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Senator Mark Begich, Rep. Don Young.