Alaska Fishing Tips Blog
Get fishing tips that will help you catch more sockeye and king salmon, rig your boat properly, make the right casts, read rivers, and more.
Get fishing tips that will help you catch more sockeye and king salmon, rig your boat properly, make the right casts, read rivers, and more.
Trout tactics for standing out among other anglers on the crowded Kenai River in the fall shared by Nigel Fox, co-owner/guide at Alaska Drift Away Fishing. Everyone seems to fish Read More...
Blog Post by Marcus Weiner Red salmon, aka sockeye, are among the most delicious gamefish in Alaska. The red, firm flesh can be prepared countless ways, and any and all end with a Read More...
Halibut fishing blog & photos by Joe Byers Our gang peeks through the day's catch. Halibut Fishing from the Surf—a Ninilchik Launch Is Truly Unique The highlight of our one-week Alaskan Read More...
When Jerry Jacques was 17, he ran away from California and hitchhiked to Alaska.
How to Tip Fishing Guides and Other Industry Service Providersby Melissa Norris I have often been asked about tipping fishing guides and the other service providers who make up the sportfishing industry—Captains, deckhands, Read More...
What Dollies on the Middle Kenai River Tell UsBlog by Nick Ohlrich, Alaska Drift Away Fishing The rewards of fine-tuning. Dolly Varden are found in most of the Kenai Peninsula's lakes Read More...
Fatbiking and Packrafting to Bristol Bay: A Conversation with Bjørn OlsonBlog by Bjorn DihlePhotos Courtesy of Bjørn Olson Packrafts were invaluable for the expedition. A Conversation with Bjørn Olson In 2013, Read More...
The Importance of Proper Handling of a Trophy TroutBy Nigel Fox, Alaska Drift Away Fishing Reviving a rainbow while measuring length on the measuring board. If there is one thing we Read More...
Scott Murdock ties some of the most exquisite Atlantic salmon flies you've ever seen. He also ties some killer spring grayling flies. Learn more about Murdock's work in the April edition of "Behind the Vice."
Layering Tips Blog and Photos by Nick Ohlrich My second skin. I wear this base/mid-layer combo every day and hope to tangle with fish like this at the same frequency. Tips Read More...
Quality fish care makes a huge difference. We were so impressed on our trip to Kodiak Legends Lodge that we wanted to give you a step-by-step guide to perfecting your halibut filleting techniques.
Traveling to Alaska is an amazing experience filled with sights and sounds that most of us don’t get to encounter in everyday life.
Alaska Silver Salmon Fishing during August and September by Kate Crump, Frigate Adventure Travel Alaska silver salmon fishing from the second half of August into the beginning of September is an amazing time Read More...
Alaska Bear Safety in the Backcountry By Marcus Weiner Alaska bear safety is important knowledge to have to be fully prepared before going on fishing and hunting. Fishing and hunting in Alaska is Read More...
The Middle Kenai in June is a fantastic time to hone your skills on water temperature, CFS, and their effects on trout behavior. The chrome firecrackers will be there to confirm your decision-making process and are sure to put a huge grin on your face.