Outdoor Gear & Clothing Store • Workwear & Outdoor Essentials
Trusted brands like XTRATUF, Keen, Wrangler, Timberland, and more
Sweeney’s Clothing and Footwear has been a trusted part of the Soldotna community for over 30 years, providing Alaskans and visitors with high-quality clothing, footwear, and gear built to withstand the toughest outdoor conditions.
Whether you’re a local looking for durable workwear or a traveler preparing for Alaska’s unpredictable weather, Sweeney’s has you covered.
Known for its friendly service and carefully selected inventory, Sweeney’s carries all the top brands that Alaskans rely on, including Carhartt, XTRATUF, Keen, Wrangler, Wolverine, Timberland, RASCO, DryShod, and Ariat. Their collection of rain gear is especially popular with visitors who need to stay warm and dry during the region’s frequent rainfall.
Sweeney’s offers an impressive range of footwear to suit any need, from rugged work boots to dependable deck boots, ensuring you’ll find something to match your lifestyle. Their footwear selection is complemented by a variety of hats, gloves, socks, bibs, and other outdoor essentials, making it a one-stop shop for outdoor enthusiasts.
One of the highlights of the store is the Carhartt room, a favorite among locals for its extensive selection of the brand’s durable, comfortable, and weather-resistant apparel. With new stock arriving daily, there’s always something fresh to discover at Sweeney’s.
In addition to their well-stocked shelves, Sweeney’s frequently offers specials and clearance items, making it easy to find high-quality gear at a great value. Whether you’re gearing up for work, an outdoor adventure, or simply preparing for Alaska’s changing seasons, Sweeney’s Clothing and Footwear is the place to shop.
Check them out and see why Sweeney’s has been a staple of Soldotna for generations.