June 2018


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June 2018
Deep-Sea Adventure

Creel 10
Gear Bag 12
Online 16
Fishing for a Compliment 18
Salmon Sense 22
Conservation 26
Fly 28
Boats 30
Saltwater 40
Stillwater 44
Fish for the Future 46
Recipe 100
Advertiser Index 102
Final Drift 105



Landing Big Halibut, Unguided
by George Dennis 48

If not properly handled, large halibut can break gear and injure people when brought into the boat. George Dennis provides information to help the DIY angler, a growing group due to the current halibut regulations, safely land and boat large halibut.


Halibut Hotspots
by Tom Watson 58

Tom Watson gives the low-down on great halibut ports for the charter angler, including unique aspects of each location and charter recommendations from Southeast to Southcentral, Prince William Sound to Kodiak.


What You Need To Know To Hook ‘BUT
by Terry W. Sheely 70

June is “game-on” time for halibut. This primer by Terry Sheely covers basic halibut gear, lures and bait, the importance of scent and techniques to help you load the freezer with delicious halibut fillets.


“That Guy”—A halibut, rockfish and lingcod day trip from Valdez
by Melissa Norris 82

Fish Alaska Publisher Melissa Norris describes the excellent multi-species bottom fishing that exists out of the port of Valdez, including accommodations, regulations, and fishing derbies.


The Fun Factor—Canadian-Style Mooching Reels vs Conventional Reels
George Krumm 92

Editor George Krumm elaborates on the reasons to consider trying a “Canadian-style” mooching reel for salmon. Sometimes efficiency takes a back seat to tradition, aesthetics, and the “fun factor.”


Special Section
A Great Day in Whittier
by Melissa Norris 6

Just an hour from Anchorage lies the hidden gem of Whittier with easy access to Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Join 20-year PWS veteran captain Matt Kopec as we explore Whittier aboard the Swee’ Pea. Check out the extended Alaska Traveler department this month.


COVER / Brian Rhodes of Valdez Outfitters with a massive slab of halibut a client caught while chartering the Lena Claire. © Brian Rhodes/Valdez Outfitters

Additional information

Weight 6 oz

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