May 2018



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May 2018
Kings Today

Alaska Traveler 6
Creel 8
Gear Bag 12
Online 16
Fishing for a Compliment 18
Salmon Sense 20
Fly 24
Boats 26
Saltwater 34
Stillwater 36
Fish for the Future 38
Recipe 94
Advertiser Index 96
Final Drift 98

COVER / Shawn Murray about to release a stunning “career best” king salmon back to the Kenai River. © Francis Estalilla, MD.

Special Section
2018 Forecast: Four Months of Mat-Su Valley Salmon
by Andy Couch 60
Andy Couch breaks down Mat-Su salmon opportunities by month. This article is a must-read for those planning Valley salmon fishing this summer.

Ship Creek Salmon
by Lee Leschper 40

An easily accessible bonus to Anchorage residents and visitors, Ship Creek provides surprisingly good catch rates for both king and silver salmon near downtown Anchorage. Lee Leschper gives the run-down on kings and silvers.

Techniques for River Kings
by JD Richey 48

Kings from the bank aren’t easy, but they are certainly possible. JD Richey outlines three effective techniques and the associated gear for each that will help you hook more kings this summer. Drift fishing, 
swinging spinners, and float fishing are time-tested, king-killin’ techniques.

Releasing Giants
by Mark Wackler 72

With the obvious numerical decline of the Kenai’s mega-kings, many anglers are choosing to release huge kings to allow them the opportunity to spawn and thus preserve the Kenai’s special gene bank. However, releasing really big kings in the fast water of the Kenai requires some forethought. Mark Wackler provides great insight on things to consider to effectively release giant kings.

Southeast! Still King of Kings
by Terry Sheely 84

Despite looming restrictions due to low Chinook numbers up and down the west coast, southeast Alaska king fishing, even during supposedly poor years, is often better than anyplace else on the west coast. Sheely highlights many of the opportunities from Yakutat in the northern panhandle all the way to Ketchikan in the south.

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
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