
October 2002 | Year in Gear, Annual Gear Awards Issue


Publishers’ Note 5

Editor’s Creel 8

Alaska Fishing News 10

Fishing for a Compliment 12

Book Review 14

Paul Schullery’s Real Alaska

Advertiser Index 71

Inside Alaska Angling 72

Q&A with Jesse VanderZanden

Featured Fish Recipe 78

Northwoods Lodge Baked Salmon

The Final Drift 82


Rod Building 101 

by Pat Misgen

FA exclusive “how-to” build your own weapon of choice with step-by-step photos and instructions.

Dolly Dynamite 

by Pudge Kleinkauf

Something new and flashy just for speckled beauties.

Vintage Tackle 

by Joe Connors

When the past becomes an obsession. Here are some secrets from an expert about finding great collectable gear.

Dolly Varden or Arctic char: Can You Tell the Difference?

by John Wyman

Does it matter? Maybe. You be the judge.

Seducing Dolly Varden 

by Jerry Wylie

A Dolly can be quite a charmer. Charming Dolly can be quite a different matter.

Alaska for the First Time 

by Troy Letherman

Men from Montana plot, plan and play-out their Alaska fantasy-fishing trip–just 4 days–but what a ride!


The Year In Gear 

Fish Alaska has field-tested all the hot new stuff. Here are the Editors’ Choices and some cool stuff you just gotta have!