

4   Fish Alaska Online

6   Alaska Traveler

8   Creel

10  Fishing for a Compliment

12  Gear Bag

14  Salmon Sense

16  Fly

18  Boats

26  Saltwater

28  Coho Chronicles

30  Flyfishing

32  Conservation

34  Holiday Gift Guide pt. 1

62  Recipe

65  Ad Index

66  Final Drift

On The Cover

Bamboo fly rods are both works of art and fish-catching tools.

© Troy Buzalsky



Marriage as a Dry-Dropper Rig by Daniel Hoffman

If marriage is akin to a dry-dropper rig, well, which are you? The dry or the dropper? This lighthearted, clever, insightful tale is actually chapter 13 from Hoffman’s book 2022 book, An Alaska Flyfisher’s Odyssey: Seeking a Life of Drag-Free Drift in the Land of the Midnight Sun.



Cooking the Catch by Andrew Cremata

Andrew Cremata writes, “Quality fish make for good eating but sharing a meal with friends and loved ones creates unforgettable memories.” He’s right, and Alaskans have it made when it comes to seafood. Similarly, those who travel to Alaska are often able to fill fish boxes with succulent salmon and bottomfish fillets. To keep things interesting, it helps to have either a lot of recipes, or some very good ones, or some artistic culinary skills. In this piece, Andrew Cremata talks about caring for fish once you catch them, and some ideas on preparing different species of fish.



Wanton Waste on the High Seas of Alaska by Josh Leach

Bycatch has become a hot topic amongst anglers as we watch once-plentiful and once-large Chinook runs so weakened they are being shut down. With in-river habitat largely in great shape in Alaska, the problem lies elsewhere. Is it climate change? Or is it something else…



The Bamboo Connectionby Troy Buzalsky

Bamboo fly rods at one time were the most numerous fly rods in the world, back before fiberglass and graphite. Today, they’re hard to find. You can have one built, though, and in this piece, Troy Buzalsky writes about two Alaskan custom-bamboo fly-rod builders: Chris Carlin and Jon Lyman.