Southwest Alaska

Home to Katmai National Park and Preserve, Lake Clark National Park, and the world famous Bristol Bay, it extends from north of Holy Cross all the way down to the Aleutian Chain. Most of the sportfishing in this region takes place in Bristol Bay with the major communities or jumping off points being King Salmon, Dillingham, Iliamna and Bethel. Famed rivers wind their ways through the region including the Nushagak, Naknek, Togiak, Kvichak, Kulik, Alagnak, American, Egegik, and loads more. These areas annually host the fortunate anglers from across Alaska and all over the world on their quest for some of the greatest stream fishing on the planet. Hitting world record numbers of sockeye salmon, the region’s rivers are teeming with salmon and healthy rainbow trout and Dolly Varden or Arctic Char that feed so well off the resource. And while king salmon are in low abundance, this area still has some viable places to harvest a couple as well as to catch and release them. Coho are found throughout Southwest Alaska as well. And while it’s definitely a commercial fishery in the saltwater of Bristol Bay, there are a couple places where some outfitters are offering this experience.

The Aleutians are incredibly productive, but extreme costs and hit or miss travel are some hindrances to consider before you go. There are some exceptional trips to be had for those looking for the maximum adventure.

Southwest Alaska primarily offers salmon, trout and Dolly varden freshwater fishing for eager anglers and it’s the flyfishing Mecca for many. There are a handful of saltwater opportunities for rod and reel anglers and certain outfitters offer the multi-style and species trips in the region.

Learn more about fishing in Southwest Alaska by reviewing content from these Communities/Regions

Bristol Bay

Katmai National Park

Lake Clark National Park and Preserve

King Salmon




Learn more about fishing in Southeast Alaska by reviewing content from the following bodies of water.







