September 9, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
We want to give a huge congratulations to all top 3 winners in the Valdez Halibut Fish Derby this year! Steve came in first with his fish he caught with Capt. Brian. Maren came in second with the fish she caught with Capt. Lewie. And our buddy and frequent customer to the tackle shop, Terrence came in 3rd on his own boat! Congrats and great job to everyone!
September 8, 2021
Valdez OutfittersNot a bad last day of the season for Capt. Brian and the boys on the Chugach Girl yesterday!
September 7, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
It’s been a couple of great days of fishing to wrap up the season! Lots of nice fish for everyone this past weekend!
September 5, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
We hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day Weekend! Good weather and fishing yesterday for everyone!
September 1, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
August is gone and the fishing season is almost over, but we aren’t done yet! Some nice fish on all the boats yesterday!
August 30, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Beautiful late season weather and some good fishing for everyone yesterday!
August 25, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
More rough weather in the gulf the last few days, but that hasn’t stopped us or the people from wanting to get out and fish!
August 23, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Nice loads of fish for all the groups yesterday!
August 22, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Beautiful weather, great fishing and good times for all our boats in Valdez yesterday!
August 21, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Beautiful day out in the gulf yesterday! Sunshine and lots of fish for all the boats.
August 19, 2021
Valdez OutfittersFishing continues to be good and we only have a couple more weeks for this season. If you’re looking to put some fish in the freezer there is still time! We have some open Rental Boats, Bottom Fish trips and Silver Salmon seats still open. Give us a call 907-255-4555.
The Wyoming crew with another awesome week of fishing on one of our rental boats! Great job guys!
August 18, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Rough seas kept us off the big water again yesterday, but thankfully the silver fishing is good!
August 17, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Little bumpy on the ride in and out, but it was worth it! Nice loads of fish on the boats yesterday!
August 16, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Beautiful weather and good fishing out in the gulf yesterday!
August 15, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Another fun women’s silver salmon derby in the books! Thanks to all the ladies that came out and fished with us!
August 14, 2021
Valdez Fish DerbiesAlright ladies let’s see your fish today!
August 14, 2021
Valdez OutfittersWeather finally broke, and the crew on the Chugach Girl put some fish in the boat with Capt. Brian yesterday!
August 13, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
More silver action from yesterday!
August 11, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Rough seas in the gulf have kept us off the halibut grounds, but thankfully there are SILVERS!!! Salmon fishing in Valdez is hot right now!
August 6, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
It’s August and the fishing is good! All the boats bringing in piles of fish yesterday!
August 4, 2021
Valdez OutfittersFamily fun out on one of our rentals this past weekend. We love when people share pics from their trip with us! Thanks John!
August 3, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Halibut? Rockfish? Salmon? We got you covered!
August 2, 2021
Valdez OutfittersA great overnight haul for the crew with Capt. Lewie this past weekend!
August 1, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Nice loads of silvers for everyone with Capt. Danny and Capt. Chad this past weekend!
July 31, 2021
Valdez OutfittersGuess the weight before Capt Brian makes it in to the weight station!! (Fish only not Brian). Closest guess Win a free VO t-shirt and hat!!
A huge congrats to Steve from Minnesota on the MONSTER halibut he caught with Capt. Brian aboard the Chugach Girl yesterday!
July 30, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Capt. Lewie and Capt. Andy both scoring wolf eels on the boat this past week!!!
The McNeil family had a few awesome days out on one of our rental boats this past week! They are headed back to Utah with SOME FISH!
Great weather and good fishing made for a fun overnight trip for the Mighigan crew with Capt. Brian last night!
July 29, 2021
Valdez OutfittersA beautiful box of cohos with Capt. Bill yesterday!
July 27, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Halibut, rockfish, and silvers….OH MY!!!
July 24, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
The salmon are in! Lots of fish being caught on our charters and rental boats!
A rough patch of weather slowed things down earlier in the week, but all the guys were back at it yesterday!
July 23, 2021
Valdez OutfittersCapt. Bill AND the silvers are back!
June 27, 2021
Valdez Saltwater AdventuresA toad of a Lingcod caught earlier this week.
Another nice lingcod falls for the @columbiarivertackle sculpin with an @optimum_baits magnum octopus.
July 20, 2021
Valdez OutfittersGreat day for the crew on the Lena Claire with Capt. Andy yesterday!
July 18, 2021
Valdez OutfittersThe Lee family had a fun day on the water catching fish on one of our rental boats!
July 17, 2021
Valdez OutfittersFull loads of fish on the Chugach Girl and the Nunatak yesterday!
July 16, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Summer in Valdez! Good weather and good fishing for everyone yesterday!
July 14, 2021
Valdez OutfittersA real nice haul of fish for the group on the Chugach Girl with Capt. Brian yesterday!
July 10, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Another good week of fishing in the books! Lots of fish and happy clients on all the boats!
July 4, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Happy 4th of July to everyone! Lots of fish coming off all the boats all weekend!
July 3, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
A little “bad weather” didn’t stop everyone from having a fun day fishing yesterday! Halibut, rock fish, and a few lings for all the boats!
July 1, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Happy July 1st!
June 27, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
June is coming to a close but the fishing is just picking up! All the VO boats are on the water daily catchin’ em up!
June 27, 2021
Valdez Saltwater Adventures
Some heavy lifting while the man responsible for catching this hammer sizes it up.
June 28, 2021
Valdez Fish Derbies
VALDEZ, Alaska – Arizona angler James Ekstrom pulled in a 144.6-pound halibut on June 26th aboard the Bold Eagle to top the boards, taking first in the overall derby as well as the weekly. James Ekstrom enjoyed his first taste of halibut fishing: “For me it was my first time halibut fishing, everybody was pretty surprised at the fight it was giving us,” said James. When asked about his other plans for his time in Alaska, James responded: “Definitely going to do some more fishing, we’ve been having a great time with everything we’re doing out here.” Taking home the 2nd place prize for the week is Colleen Thompson with a 137.4 pound halibut caught aboard the Dan Orion. Holding onto 2nd place in the overall standings is Jeff Steenhoven of Salcha, AK with a 143.4-pound halibut, and third overall is Jessica Buchholz of Fairbanks Alaska with a 142.4-pound halibut caught aboard the Lena Claire.
Rockfish and halibut are the favorites to catch in Prince William Sound right now and Alaska Department of Fish and Game are reporting good catches out toward Montague although some nice catches were reported as close in as Rocky Point this week. Lingcod season will open July 1st. Blueberry, Thompson Lake and Ruth Pond have been stocked. Ruth Pond is an easy access location for kids to catch rainbow trout and Thompson Lake is a good spot to target Arctic grayling with a small-sized fly or spinner. Salmon season is just around the corner. Some pink salmon have been spotted out in the Sound and should be into Valdez well in advance of the Kids Pink Salmon Derby.
Valdez Fish Derbies is hosting a free Kids Pink Salmon Derby Saturday, July 24th. The Valdez Silver Salmon Derby also starts July 24th so there will be a few weeks where anglers can catch both pink and silver salmon in Valdez. There will be four grand prizes of $100 cash awarded in the Kids Derby. Eight kids will also win fishing poles. The Kids Pink Salmon Derby is open to kids age 5 to 16 and this year anglers will enter pictures via the Valdez Fish Derbies website for a chance to win prizes. CLICK HERE for information on the Kids Pink Salmon Derby.
The Women’s Silver Salmon Derby is slated for Saturday, August 14th. The 2021 Derby will be run much the same as the 2020 derby with prizes for the Top 3 biggest fish. Everyone who registers for the Women’s Derby will be entered in drawings for Prospector Outfitter prize packages and entered to win door prizes. CLICK HERE for details on the Women’s Derby.
Halibut Derby – Overall Leaders
1st James Ekstrom Mesa, AZ 144.6 lbs. June 26 Bold Eagle
2nd Jeff Steenhoven Salcha, AK 143.4 lbs. June 15 Reel Nuts
3rd Jessica Buchholz Fairbanks, AK 142.4 lbs. June 15 Lena Claire
Halibut Derby – Weekly Winners – June 20th through 26th
1st James Ekstrom Mesa, AZ 144.6 lbs. June 26 Bold Eagle
2nd Colleen Thompson Fairbanks, AK 137.4 lbs. June 22 Dan Orion
- Jessica Buchholz of Fairbanks, AK with her 142.4 pounder.
- Jeff Steenhoven with his 143.4 pounder.
- James Ekstrom and his 144.6 pound halibut.
June 16, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
All the guys have been busy with some heavy lifting the past few days!
June 14, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
How’s THAT for a rental boat caught halibut!?! And no derby ticket!
June 11, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
Great day for the crew on the Sea Hunter with Capt. Danny yesterday!
June 7, 2021
Valdez Outfitters
We’ve had some great fishing the past few days!! #halibutfishing #rockfish #alaskafishing #summervacation