
August / September 2012 | Silver Salmon Special

August 2012Departments

Editor’s Creel 6

Gear Bag 8

Fishing for a Compliment 14

Tackle Tech 20

Salmon Sense 22

EZ Limits: A Guide’s Angle 24

Fish Alaska Fly 26

Fish Alaska Boats 28

Fish Alaska Saltwater 32

Fish Alaska Stillwater 34

Tight Lines 36

Fish Alaska Recipe 78

Advertiser Index 80

Final Drift 82


The Power of Pink

by Gary Lewis

Gary Lewis shows when and when not to use this powerful attractant in your pursuit of coho.

Finding Silvers in Adverse Conditions

by Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly shares some techniques to help you catch more silvers in tough conditions.

Ultimate Sinker System

by Scott Haugen

Contributing Editor Scott Haugen has a unique method for getting your presentation deep without getting hung up.

Pebble 2012

by Troy Letherman

The proposed Pebble Mine in western Alaska has been widely debated. Editor Troy Letherman brings us up to date on this important issue for Alaska’s fish and fishermen alike.

Saltwater Silvers on the Fly

by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr.

E. Donnall Thomas, Jr. shares his methods to the “madness” of fly fishing for coho in the ocean.

The Other Copper River

by Cecilia “Pudge” Kleinkauf

This one comes out of Lake Iliamna, and it is quite full of sockeye and rainbows. Pudge Kleinkauf takes us with her on a recent trip.