
Valdez Fishing Information: Articles and Stories

Valdez fishing information

Valdez Fishing Resources and Information

Our experts have been visiting Valdez to fish for a couple of decades. Our up-to-date perspective of the fishery is part of what makes us a genuine resource for anyone planning and Alaska fishing trip that includes a visit to Valdez. Some information doesn’t change and we have produced a variety of articles with Valdez fishing information that are worth the read. Whether you need advice on where to stay or who to fish with, check out our Valdez section to gain the knowledge you need to plan your epic trip. Be sure to note fishing derby dates and get your tickets. Someone is going to win and it may as well be you!

Valdez is best known for its halibut, silver salmon, and pink salmon fishing but there’s also some good bottom fishing for rockfish and lingcod. Salmon shark are known catch targets for sport anglers as are shrimp for local harvesters. And lately there is a budding interest in squid fishing in Valdez.


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