April 2007 | Freshwater Destinations, Techniques, Tips & Tricks
Editor’s Creel
Alaska Traveler
Fishing for a Compliment
Haugen’s Gear Tech
Advertiser Index
Alaska Derby Calendar
Vinyl Frontier
If you’ve been looking for a new, effective and durable smolt, fry or alevin pattern, innovative fly expert Scott Sanchez has “made-up” a few of these Lipstick Minnows for your consideration and crafting.
Beaded Stealhead Jigs
by Dave Kilhefner
Want a hard-hitting bead jig for those chromer steelies? Dave’s cooked up a batch that will knock their sidewalls off and he shows you how to make them.
Alaska’s Alpine Lakes
by Matt Hage
Flimsy rods and skinny tippets in the big mountains of central Alaska. Beauty and solitude with great hordes of eager fish. What more could you want?
Magical Misty Trout
by Terry W. Sheely
Terry W. Sheely shares his love of unfished Southeast fjords and monster tides.Catching trout, steelhead and salmon all-round.
Heavy Metal
by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr.
Those chromers prove their worth everytime one hits your line. E. Donnall Thomas, Jr. shares his Southeast obsession in this story of freshwater pursuits.
Early Season Rainbows
by G.B. Barnard IV
The application of techniques developed elsewhere can bring even bigger results when used in Alaskan waters. Montanan G.B. Barnard IV shares his midwest expertise that he’s adapted for Alaska.
COVER / Agnes Stowe displays a healthy Arctic grayling taken on the surface. © Matt Hage