
December 2012 | Prince of Wales Island Special Issue

December 2012Departments

Editor’s Creel  6

Alaska Traveler  8

Gear Bag 10

Fishing for a Compliment 14

Tackle Tech 18

Salmon Sense 20

EZ Limits: A Guide’s Angle 22

Fish Alaska Fly 24

Fish Alaska Boats 26

Fish Alaska Saltwater 30

Fish Alaska Stillwater 32

Fish Alaska Recipe 78

Advertiser Index 80

Final Drift 82


On the Road Again

by Troy Letherman

Fish Alaska editor Troy Letherman takes to the gravel for a mélange of Prince of Wales Island angling. For freshwater DIY anglers, this is the place to start.

It’s All in the Details

by Marcus Weiner

Join Fish Alaska publisher Marcus Weiner for some top-notch saltwater action at one of the island’s finest-run outfits, Sportsman’s Cove Lodge.

Prince of Wales: King of Piscatorialists

by Terry Sheely

The marine waters near Prince of Wales Island boast incredibly productive and diverse fisheries. Terry Sheely provides your guide to when and where to go—and how to fish upon arrival.

Kings, Lings & Yelloweye

by Dave Vedder

Fishing from the Polar Bear, Dave Vedder and crew prowl the waters near Cape Addington for a bonanza of fine-eating saltwater species.

Where the Prince is King

by Troy Buzalsky

Prince of Wales Island offers some of Alaska’s best steelheading, particularly for the unguided angler with a little sense of adventure. Troy Buzalsky takes us there.

POW Silvers on the Fly

by E. Donnall Thomas, Jr.

POW resident E. Donnall Thomas, Jr. offers some insider information on fishing for one of the island’s premier salmon quarry—the feisty coho.

Special Section

Tongass National Forest 34

What’s happening with the restoration?

Angler Gift Guide 36

Still need to holiday shop for friends and family? Maybe you need to tell your loved ones what you’d like. Take a look at the wish list we’ve devised.