January 2017
January 2017
Fish Alaska Traveler 6
Fish Alaska Gear Bag 10
Fish Alaska Online 12
Fishing for a Compliment 14
Fish Alaska Families 16
Salmon Sense 20
Fish Alaska Fly 22
Fish AlaskaBoats 24
Fish AlaskaSaltwater 34
Fish AlaskaStillwater 36
Fish AlaskaRecipe 78
Advertiser Index 81
Fish AlaskaFinal Drift 82
Destination Juneau
by Troy Letherman 38
Alaska’s third-largest city, Juneau is situated in the heart of southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, and residents and visitors to the capital city are treated to over 130 miles of groomed hiking trails, any of 114 species of birdlife, all five of North America’s Pacific salmon species, both brown and black bears, and several different species of whales that inhabit the Inside Passage. It’s a coastal paradise, in other words, ripe for the discerning traveler to pick off this year’s destination list.
Adventures in Pasagshak
by Rick Birch 46
Hoping to make family memories that will last a lifetime, Fish Alaska’s Rick Birch headed for Fish Kodiak Adventures to experience a smorgasbord of both fresh- and saltwater fishing opportunities. Whether fishing out the back door on the Pasagshak River or heading into the protected waters offshore, Birch shows why this remains one of Alaska’s best angling destinations.
Fathers & Sons
by Marcus Weiner 52
Fish Alaska Publisher Marcus Weiner has made many trips to the Nushagak River for its red-hot Chinook fishing, and while those trips were awesome, none reached the heights of his latest visit to Bristol Bay Adventures, because this time he was there with his son. Join Marcus and Charlie for this king-fishing adventure to one of Alaska’s best fishing rivers.
Cross Sound
by Terry W. Sheely 60
Cross Sound is the open end of a gaping salmon funnel, and Fish Alaska Contributing Editor Terry Sheely takes us to this Southeast salmon crossroads, finding a bonus in the bottomfish and halibut available.
River of Plenty: The Togiak
by JD Richey 66
You can do it all here—cast to surface-sipping grayling, battle fresh-from-the tide kings, stalk leopard rainbows behind spawning sockeye in clear tributaries; there are even aggressive northern pike in the backwaters and endless flats teeming with chums, sockeye, silvers and pinks. Here JD Richey explains how and when to make your trip to the Togiak special.
The Guide’s Perspective
by Ken Baldwin 72
Iliamna River guide Ken Baldwin of Angry Eagle Lodge takes us behind the scenes in this feature, teaching anglers how to be Prepared, Practiced and Fit before their trip to Alaska, and showing how that will result in a lot more fish being caught once here.
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Weight | 6 oz |