
April 2009 | Spring Steelhead and Trout


Alaska Traveler 8

Editor’s Creel 14

Fishing for a Compliment 16

Haugen’s Tackle Tech 18

Richey’s Salmon Sense 22

Fish Alaska Boats 26

Fish Alaska Recipe 84

Advertiser Index 86

Final Drift 90

Fish Alaska Special

Over the Rainbow

by Melissa Norris 78

Artist Scott Thompson searches high, low and underwater to portray images of Alaska’s wildlife and aquatic wonders inpaintings and carvings. Publisher Melissa Norris profiles this talented artist.


Sanchez’s Swamp Monster 

by Scott Sanchez 

This damsel in distress proves itself in the trout waters of Alaska. Scott Sanchez ties one up for you.

Fly Fishing Droppers 

by Pudge Kleinkauf 

Pudge Kleinkauf learned to fish droppers in Ireland. Here she shows you how to make this hot technique pay off in Alaska.

Alaska’s Stillwater Capital

by Phillip Rowley 

Phillip Rowley fishes stillwater all over the world. He’s found some productive water in southcentral Alaska that is certainly worth the trip.

Fish Alaska All-Tackle Center-Pinning 

by Terry Sheely 

Jig ‘n bobbers nail salmon and steelhead where other anglers can’t reach. At the heart of this technique is a free-spinning specialty reel. Terry Sheely shows you how to use this exciting method.

Fish Alaska Travel The Rites of Spring 

by Rene Limeres 

Sometimes all you see is water. Sometimes you get lucky. Rene Limeres knows this well. Join him for a spring steelhead fling on Baranof Island.

Clearwater Lodge

by Stan Cunningham

Bristol Bay’s Clearwater Lodge is located just 500 yards from the mouth of Iliamna Lake. Everything here is large, including the fish. Stan Cunningham takes you to this amazing, fish-rich environment.