August 22 This is the most Alaska picture of fishing ever!

August 9 Silver salmon are coming in soon the river will be filled with silver.

August 3 Some great weather and some great halibut caught during a trip with Yakutat Lodge.

July 26 Cody Kunau with Yakutat Lodge caught this beautiful legal king salmon on the Situk River.

July 3 Some great sockeye fishing with Yakutat Lodge, what a beautiful day to catch some reds.

July 1 First of the month and the limit went from 3 to 6 sockeye salmon, including this beauty caught with the guides of Yakutat Lodge.

June 7 This “grubbin” halibut was brought up with Yakutat Lodge. Great looking fish!

June 3 The Lingcod sure are some prehistoric looking fish, some great photos taken by Yakutat Lodge of these great ocean predators.

June 1 This big 50 pound Lingcod fish ate the smaller 10 pound Lingcod fish while it ate a Kodiak Custom Bottom Jig while fishing with Captain Jerry out of Yakutat Lodge.

May 24 The steelhead season is winding down but the saltwater season is about to light up with the Yakutat Lodge.

May 10 The steelhead fishing has been great the last few weeks fishing with the guides at Yakutat Lodge.

May 5 A 35 year steelhead fisherman Mike while fishing with guide Cody of Yakutat Lodge caught this one in a lifetime “slab with shoulders”.

May 2 The Spring season means steelhead fishing with Yakutat Lodge.