
Alaska Ice-Fishing Blog

Here we bring you valuable advice on exciting Ice Fishing Trips, How-to catch Rainbow Trout, and Choosing the Right Fishing Shelters, Augers, Gear and Tackle

Sheefish Ice Fishing

Sheefish ice fishing in Alaska offers a unique and thrilling experience, with anglers targeting these large, aggressive fish in remote locations. Concerns over proposed developments, such as the Ambler Road, highlight the Read More...

Sheefish Primer

Sheefish Primer Blog by Paul D. Atkins Many people ask me about sheefish—what they’re like to catch, eat, how cold it is, but mostly they ask how they can go about getting a Read More...

After the Storm

The sharp crack followed a dull thud spread a smile across my face as my fishing partner looked out the window to see if the offending tree had hurt anything. She asked, “What's Read More...

Icefishing Shelters

Arguably, ice fishing in Alaska has a few reasons why it is nowhere near as popular when compared to the open water season. Two of which are cold freezing temperatures and bitter arctic Read More...

Ice Fishing Lines

Blog Post by Troy Letherman Clearly, serious hard-water anglers will need to choose lines dedicated to ice fishing. While many modern superlines will suffice in a pinch and offer some of the characteristics Read More...


The Adventures of Mac Lightfoot Mac Lightfoot and his good buddy Silver Fox greeted the day with frozen smiles, numbed fingers and sub-zero temperatures. On the menu was an hour plus ride by Read More...

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