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Driving Grayling Airborne

Heavily Palmered Flies & the Skate By G.B. Barnard IV The Arctic grayling (Thymallus Arcticus (Pallus)) is a marvelous fish.  While the majority of Alaska predators key themselves directly around the nutritious annual Read More...

Arctic Icons

Arctic Icons By E. Donnall Thomas Jr. Grayling have probably saved more trips than any other fish in Alaska. Let me count the ways… For two straight days, we’d had plenty to worry Read More...

Interior Grayling

  By Matt Hage By the end of June, every road-accessible waterway in Alaska that holds even a rumor of a king salmon is buried under a tangled web of 60-pound test and Read More...

Fishing the Big Three

Fishing the Big Three Story and photos by Dennis Musgraves Beginning in late October sunlight starts fading daily, temperatures eventually drop to double-digit negatives and water surfaces become locked up harder than asphalt. Read More...

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