
Island Salmon Salad

The Island Salmon Salad starts with a fresh spring mix that is complimented with diced tomatoes, roasted pistachios, pineapple bits and deep fried onions.

How to Cook Salmon

How to cook salmon perfectly is a bit of an art form. You toured Alaska this summer and caught yourself a couple dozen pounds of succulent salmon fillets, but now what? We got Read More...

Salmon Cakes

Salmon cakes are a great use for 'spoon meat.' © Bridge Seafood Salmon cakes recipe by Bridge Seafood Salmon cakes are a great way to use spoon meat. When filleting fresh Read More...

Salmon Head Pho

Recipe by Chef Rob Kinneen Fork Catering, Anchorage This pho is based on an indigenous Alaskan fish-head soup. Traditionally the heads were cooked down long enough to leach calcium, supplementing an otherwise dairy-free Read More...

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