April 2019


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April 2019April 2019 Fish Alaska


Faux Roe and Rot on the Russian River
by Gary Lewis

The Russian River is well known as a great salmon and trout fishery. Gary Lewis and company spent a few days last fall exploring and fishing the Russian from its mouth to Lower Russian Lake, targeting rainbows with flesh and beads. The Russian is an accessible, easy DIY fishery, and Gary’s article provides good info for those who wish to partake.

Spring-Creek Grayling
by Cecilia “Pudge” Kleinkauf

The Delta Clearwater River, near Delta Junction, holds silver salmon, whitefish, and Arctic grayling. Pudge relates the story of a two-day trip from last summer, chasing the river’s plentiful and spirited grayling with Loren Ewing from Clearwater Lodge.

Flyfishing Kits for Beginners and Kids
by Ben Rowell

Flyfishing has a language all its own, and the terminology can be confusing for newbies to the sport. Getting properly outfitted can be challenging. Nowadays, several manufacturers produce high-quality kits to help get well-matched equipment into new fly anglers’ hands. Ben Rowell evaluated several kits and shares his experience with each.

Big Food = Big Fish
by Jim McCann

Jim McCann calls the interior of Alaska home. An ardent, dry-fly fishing Arctic grayling angler, he’s spent enough time chasing them to know the big ones act a little differently than the run-of-the-mill grayling. As such, he’s developed a dry-fly strategy that can pay off for the biggest grayling in the river.

Getting Caught in the Change Up
by Nicholas Ohlrich

Based upon experience on the Kenai, but applicable to other trout streams, Nick Ohlrich explains his mindset for adapting to changing conditions and situations to help you get back on track when you experience the inevitable slow periods. Patience, keeping it simple, confidence baits, and sometimes changing nothing can all play a role.

Official Guide: 2019 Great Alaska Sportsman Show 

Learn what’s happening at this year’s Great Alaska Sportsman Show April 4-7, 2019. From seminars to show specials, check out the official show guide.


COVER / FisheWear owner Linda Leary caught this hog of a Naknek River rainbow last fall. © Justin Crump/Frigate Adventure Travel.

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